August 01, 2009

Orders have been made & paid! (Update Aug2!)

Here is the new list of all the shops involved!
I think I have more on the list than I previously had aha!

Working out Shipping:

Haven't Heard From:

Some of the people I havent heard from are on vacation and won't be round till after the 10 or so, so we may not seeing anything till the end of August.
& heres to everyone with 2 asterisks as they are new to the list!
&& three cheers to WelshGardenTearoom who is new to the list and is also from Europe, and is taking a chance on shipping to Canada!! I was her first sale too, so check out that shop!!

&&& Update from today August Second!!
Any of the listings above that have three stars on them were updated today, or added to the list! I have a fair few now and this is the official cap! No more searching for shops! These are the shops for this months adventure! Lets hope I dont get food poisoning!
Setpember 21!
All things ordered have arrived and shall be posted soon

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